Pintu: Duco Solid Engineering
Pintu solid engineering dengan finishing Duco juga diberi lapisan HMR, setelah itu pengecatan Duco bisa dilakukan. Untuk pintu duco sendiri terdapat 2 model yaitu klasik atau sering disebut panel atau american style dan minimalis. Tali air pada desain pintu dapat dipilih oleh pelanggan sendiri. Bagian inti menggunakan Three Layer Barecore Albasia.
Solid engineering door finishing Duco also covered with HMR, after that the painting with Duco could be done. For duco door itself , there are two models, they are classic model also known with panel or american style, or minimalist model. The water rope for door's design could be choosen by customers. The core using Three Layer Barecore Albasia.
Gambar1: Solid Engineering Door Finishing Duco (Klasik)
Gambar2: Solid Engineering Door Finishing Duco (Minimalist)
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