Pintu: Solid Engineering Finishing Papersheet Import
Pintu dengan finishing papersheet import memiliki harga yang lebih terjangkau dibanding finishing HPL, Melamine dan Duco. Perbedaan terbesar hanya ada pada finishingnya saja. Pintu ini tetap dilapisi HMR yang anti air dan anti api. Bagian inti menggunakan Three Layer Barecore Albasia. Dengan keunggulan anti gerak, anti bengkok, anti rayap dan memiliki 4 list kayu keruing sebagai penahan.
The door with finishing papersheet import have an affordable price compared with fHPL, Melamine and Duco finishing. The biggest differentiation only exist on their finishing. This door still covered by HMR which give protection to become waterproof and fireporoof. The core using Three Layer Barecore Albasia. With the advantages: can't move after they paired, can't crooked, termite repellent and have 4 list keruing wood as a barrier.
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