Our Latest Project pt. 4
Selamat datang di proyek terbaru dari Sumber Berkat Mulia. Beberapa foto dibawah adalah hasil-hasil pintu kami yang sudah terpasang.
Pintu Solid Engineering White Duco Doff Minimalist / Duco Doff Minamalist Solid Engineering Door
Salah satu pintu pesanan pelanggan kami di Kediri. Pintu dengan desain simple namun dengan efek doff, memberi kesan minimalis. Cocok untuk perumahan yang menginginkan desain minimalis. Tidak perlu khawatir untuk penggunaan outdoor karena pintu sudah diberi treatment sehingga menjadikannya tahan panas, anti susut dan tahan air. Untuk ukuran panjang dan lebar dari pintu sendiri bisa disesuaikan dengan keinginan customer.
One of our customer's order on Kediri. With simple design and doff effect applied, give them minimalist looks. Don't be worry for outdoor usage, our door have been treatment to make it heat resistant, anti-shrink and water resistant. For the width and length of our doors were customized by consumer's taste.
Pintu Solid Engineering Finishing HPL dengan Kusen Duco / HPL Solid Engineering Door with Duco Jamb
Solid Enginering Door (HPL Plain Motive) |
The photo above is one of our customer's orders from Pekunden. Not far from our previously product, this kind of door have the same quality of hot-resistant, water-resistant, termite-resistant and sound-proof because of the particle of that own core assembled. So you don't have to be worry to play loud your music. The HPL motive also could chosen by the customer. If they had an interest on plain motive, then they can chose a plain motive, and it would be like the previously photo. And if they were loved on wood motive, then they could chose them too. One of our HPL wood motive is the next photo. Besides using HPL as a media finishing with wood motive, we could use veneer also Papersheet.
Papersheet Solid Engineering Door |
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